At Mount Guide, we provide education with an objective to empower students to make decisions, to find creative solutions and plan effective action strategies. We believe that ‘the child is not a vase, to be filled, but a lamp to be lit’. The curriculum is structured in a manner that keeps the children in touch with the ever-changing world trends, right from the kindergarten to the senior level.
We constantly revamp, reinvent and evaluate the classroom and teaching strategy to create the most appropriate education that the children deserve. The study programme for all learning levels is unique because it is a cross-fertilization of the finest teaching methodologies.
The Pre-Primary Level (Kindergarten)
• Learning is made interesting, funny and activity oriented.
• Participation of the students is encouraged through Montessori Methods.
• Poems and stories are dramatized using expressive actions and audio visual aids.
• Children learn to comprehend through a multi-sensory approach as concepts in Number Work, English and E.V.S. are made clear with the use of multimedia and Montessori Methods.
• Regular Educational Tours and Field Trips develop a sense of belonging to the world.
Middle School (Grade I to Grade VII)
• An extensive use of technology aids to supplement classroom teaching.
• Project works in class call for mass participation. An equal emphasis is laid on developing a strong sense of individuality.
• Field trips and excursions make learning a pleasurable enjoyment catering to effective learning.
• Innumerable learning tools enhancing general awareness.
• In higher classes learning is research oriented and based on team work to acquire in depth conceptual knowledge.
• Each Child is assessed through Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation.
• Students work in groups for personality development, value education and coping with peer pressure and stress.
Secondary Section (Grade VIII to Grade X)
• Our efforts are to reach the pinnacle of expectations of CBSE.
• Sufficient remedial measures to enthuse the students academically.
• Essentially and technologically perfect measures of teaching.
• Research oriented and team based studies.
• Regular conferences, discussions, debates, discourses and interactions with VIP academicians.
• Regular evaluations and discussions with parents.
• Project works, field trips, excursions and several academically enriching activities.
The school believes that moral education should provide a comprehensive study of religion, preparing children for a strictly pious yet tolerant and cosmopolitan outlook.
• Islamic studies for all Muslim students
• Group Prayer at noon & evening.
• Moral Education for all others.
• Bhagavat Gita and Upanishads are given deserving consideration.